July 20, 2006

"Mammoth Moon"

Shadows cast themselves on the wall
Like tendrils of the great, green grapevine
Cover my balcony.
I hide in the dark deepness
Of empty arms and broken hearts
Like a big, brown bear
Hibernating in her cave from the icy assails
Of a windy winter.
The sun has not risen to end the entrapping night
But I will not wait for the dawn
To bring relief.
I shed my cumbersome covers
And look up,
To the mammoth moon
And take comfort.

The sun may never rise,
But in the dark, the moon always shines…

This is NOT my best moon poem, but it IS the only one I could find...


AFamousStatue said...

Thank you. I DID like yours, you know, it just need some work!

Verity said...

I love the statement "In the dark the moon always shines." This is a beautiful poem.

Travis said...

I ment NICE!

wendybirde said...

Oh wow did I love that poem. You caught my attention even with the title, as the wooly mammoth is one of my favorite animals (I get really drawn to prehistory) and then I read on to find one of my other favorte animals, bears, and snugly (if sadly) hibernating no less...

Anyway, it really was a lovely poem, a good friend of mine (Joseph) really liked it too when I read it to him. Something about how the moon's gentle light can softly penetrate the cave and tenderly shine it's comfort, it's really stayed with me and heartened me : )

wendybirde said...

Oh wow did I love that poem. You caught my attention even with the title, as the woolly mammoth is one of my favorite animals (I get really drawn to prehistory). And then again with the bear, especially since it was hibernating (I too often feel like a hibernating bear).

Anyway, it really is a lovely poem. A friend of mine (Joseph) really liked it as well when I read it to him today. And something about how the gentle light of the moon can softly enter that dark cave and cast its gentle healing glow of comfort, it has stayed with me and heartened me.

I may put this poem at some point on my blog if you don't mind. I'm so glad you posted it : )

wendybirde said...

Sorry I double posted like that. I thought the first one didnt post so I wrote the second one from scratch since I hadnt saved the first. Grrrr (bear growl)...

AFamousStatue said...

Hahaha, that (the first post seeming to not post) seems to happen a LOT. Thanks for your kind comments, y'all.